Tác giả: Trang Nguyen, Mohamed Sufyan Islim, and Harald Haas

Tạp chí: VTC2020-Spring

Ngày xuất bản: /2020

Tóm tắt:

This document investigates the feasible solutions for controlling the brightness of a visible light-based Light Fidelity (LiFi) system. Experimental works on the integration of a dimmer into our communication system using PXIe-1085 and NI-7966R FPGA are presented. Throughout this paper, different dimming methods, including pulse-width-modulation (PWM) dimming and amplitude-modulation (AM) dimming, are applied to two chosen waveforms, i.e. DC-biased Optical Frequency Division Multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) and Augmented Spectral Efficiency Discrete Multi-Tone (ASE-DMT). The measurement of the Q-factor is used in the implementations to compare the performance of dimming systems.
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Tags: high-speed LiFi / LiFi / LiFi 6G