Category Archives: Công nghệ LiFi

IEEE standard – Software defined Configuration method for OCC Systems

The purpose of the post is to specify the PIB attributes for configuring a particular

IEEE standard – S2-PSK A choice for RoI-Signaling based Augmented Reality

S2-PSK is an operating mode being standardized at IEEE 802.15.7m. This post describes what it

IEEE standard – PHY frame format for CM-FSK and C-OOK

This post reviews the design of the Physical-layer Packet Data Unit (PPDU) for CM-FSK  and C-OOK

IEEE standard – PHY frame format for Screen Modulation Systems

This post reviews the design of the Physical-layer Packet Data Unit (PPDU) for A-QL and

IEEE standard – hidden AQL code for screen communication

HA-QL (Hidden Asynchronous Quick-Link) is a hidden modulation mode among Screen-2-Camera operating modes those are

IEEE standard – A-QL code for screen mode

A-QL (Asynchronous Quick-Link) is a Screen-2-Camera operating mode being standardized at the IEEE 802.15.7m. This

IEEE standard – A-QL code for screen communication

A-QL (Asynchronous Quick-Link) is a Screen-2-Camera operating mode being standardized at IEEE 802.15.7m. This post

Data rate and transmission distance of OCC modes

The classification of OCC technologies has been given. Being a part of non-flicker modulation series,

OOK modes for Camera Communication (LiFi)

C-OOK stands for Camera ON-OFF Keying, is also an operating mode being standardized in IEEE

FSK modes for Camera Communication (LiFi)

CM-FSK stands for Camera M-ary Frequency Shift Keying, is also an operating mode being standardized

Zalo OA