Data rate and transmission distance of OCC modes

The classification of OCC technologies has been given. Being a part of non-flicker modulation series,

OOK modes for Camera Communication (LiFi)

C-OOK stands for Camera ON-OFF Keying, is also an operating mode being standardized in IEEE

FSK modes for Camera Communication (LiFi)

CM-FSK stands for Camera M-ary Frequency Shift Keying, is also an operating mode being standardized

What is Optical RoI signaling for Augmented Reality

In the context of a safety assistance communication-based solution, OWC is a strong candidate for

Comparison of IEEE 802.15 standards

This post briefly reviews the current status of standardization groups within IEEE 802.15 There are

Quick review of IEEE 802.15.7-2018 modes

PHY operating modes  The latest IEEE 802.15.7m draft standard (until Aug. 2018) is on the

OCC Use Cases – Promising Services

Figure 1 – Examples of promising use cases using OCC Various application fields of OCC

Classification of OCC Technologies

Table 1- Classification of OCC, its expected performance, and intended usages Given that various modulation

What is Optical Camera Communication

  Figure 1- Example of  OCC promising services (a) OCC vehicular use case. (b) OCC indoor


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